Request accommodation
Your cafe account and credit transaction history.
Course Evaluations
Faculty Course Evaluation System
Change your majors, minors, or academic advisor
Select and adopt textbooks and other course materials. Operated by Slingshot.
View the class schedule for the entire year. Search by subject, department, teacher, etc.
Sign up for ASWWU clubs
Your classroom assignments, course progress, and content.
Registration, Financial Clearance, Class schedule, Add/drop classes, Profile information.
Housing information and applications for residence halls and village housing.
Computer problems? Get help here.
Policies, syllabi, training, contracts, department materials, committees, meetings, etc.
Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, OneDrive, and more.
Lecture capture and video library
Make a payment, see account transactions or electronic statements.
The PeopleSoft Alumni Center.
The Staff and Faculty PeopleSoft Campus Solutions home page.
The Staff and Faculty PeopleSoft Financials home page.
The PeopleSoft Human Resources home page where you can see your check stubs and W2 information.
The PeopleSoft student home page that gives you the ability to enroll in classes, see grades, schedules, & finances, registration finalization, sign documents
The official repository for WWU policy documents and a place to drop off policies for approval. Short link is
Software for WWU-branded web surveys.
Comprehensive platform for recruiting, admissions, enrollment management, student success, and alumni/advancement.
Access your application portal